Friday, January 25, 2008

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WALKS Romania: the Mausoleum of Santa Costanza

S Costanza 1bis

Outside the city center, along the way Nomentana there are two churches that constitute one of complex most beautiful early Christian era and Byzantine. From consular already seen the spire of the bell tower of the first churches, S. Agnes, not to be confused with the homonymous famous work by Borromini is located in Piazza Navona. It was built in 342 and was erected by Constance, daughter of Emperor Constantine, even though the current building was rebuilt several times in later centuries. After a flight of beautiful courtyards, a ladder set in a quiet and soft shadows to the entrance of the second church, Santa Costanza. This was actually a fourth-century mausoleum dedicated to the daughters of Constantine, that Constance and Helen. Later it became the Baptistery of S. Agnes and in the thirteenth century it was consecrated as a place of worship. It 's rare, if not unique, find a medieval Roman church with a condition so perfect shapes and decorations. The mosaics that cover the full annular barrel vault of the nave is a masterpiece of extraordinary bill focuses on a myriad of geometrical topics, plant and figurative. When I am here as long, flowing along the walls of this place, it becomes circular. So I take this opportunity to walk, observe, reflect and enjoy its magnificent silent peace.

S Costanza 2

S Costanza 3

S Costanza 4 S Costanza 5

S Costanza 6bis


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