Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Creative Wedding Koozie Sayings


Big Sur2

Pictures taken in winter many years ago along the coasts of Big Sur and Monterey (California) / Winter Pictures taken along the California Coast, Between Big Sur and Monterey. A long time in August

To answer this question I give the word to a great Irish poet, WB Yeats:

All the words that I gather,
and all the words I write,
must explain their wings untiring
and never cease to fly, to boldly go where
sad, sad your heart,
and you sing into the night,
move beyond the point where the waters
obscured by storm or shining stars.

To answer to this question, I leave the word to W.B. Yeats, a great irish poet:
All the words that I utter,
And all the words that I write,
Must spread out their wings untiring,
And never rest in their flight,
Till they come where your sad, sad heart is,
And sing to you in the night,
Beyond where the waters are moving,
Storm-darken'd or starry bright.

(Where my Books go, by WB Yeats )



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