Saturday, January 31, 2009

3rd Birthday Thank You Sayings



Full Tiber of December 12, 2008: the river border on the ' seabream Ponte Sisto / The
Tiber flood on 12th December 2008: the water level is very close to the seabream of Ponte Sisto

The recent flood of the Tiber was a true story of great media coverage and the Net have seen so many movies and photos documenting the details of the event. E 'is also well known that, during its long history, the Eternal City has experienced numerous floods. The "old tub", the famous fountain built by Bernini's father at the foot of the steps of Piazza di Spagna, is said to have been placed in memory of a very old tub dragged there by the fury of river. On the walls of the old town are visible small plates that show the level reached by the waters and the years covered in the event. Stop dates to 1870, from which were erected the famous discussed how to contain the river embankments. Ponte Sisto in Rome has always functioned as an alarm to the overflowing of the Tiber. In fact, this bridge has four arches with a large circular hole on the central pier, the ' seabream. The passage of water through the ' seabream was the signal of safe flood the city.

pezzi barca

pezzi pontile pezzi pontile bis

Spare jetties and wrecks pulled and dragged from the river in full


On the walls you can see the water level reached the Tiber Island

Castel S Ang

The calm after the storm


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