Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I Brush My Tongue Too Hard


We reached in his office Mayor Anthony Bartolotta Savoca, which as always proved to be friendly and willing to talk. We asked him the usual questions of Fogliodisicilia.it FIVE. Questions that our site will address in turn to all the characters and Ionic, (political and otherwise), representing (Or represented), our territory for commitment, works ... or simply because the "victims" of the most unfortunate and tragic events (see October 1, 2009). All this does Fogliodisicilia.it to inform our readers.
1) Dear Mayor, how the city of Savoca said the global crisis? It has affected tourism and the job?
Answer - Yes, indeed, the moment is very difficult for all the reality, especially for smaller institutions with a vast territory and rugged as ours, every day is faced with many problems. We tried in our small to reduce the current expenses, introduced in TARSU facilities for the most disadvantaged, promoting private investment in productive activities (we have recently approved and issued the relevant permits for a major initiative for accommodation through the "single window") and some enhanced assets available through the location (in an unused local municipal center will be shortly inaugurated an elegant Wine Bar) and the alienation of certain areas with no municipal public utility. We have submitted four projects for school sites (two of which are already eligible for funding) that will take thirty working units, and three civil service projects.
2) We are at the gates of an August in which all municipalities will offer its package-holiday ... what to offer you?
response - we have increased the services of "front office" that we offer to tourists, churches, museum and other monuments August 9 to 31 will remain accessible until 23:00. In a few days we will publish the notice for the granting of a sightseeing service assisted the center with the help of typical vehicles. Soon we start the (albeit modest) program of summer events.
3) Go to a question a bit 'pepatina ... While everyone congratulated her for the good results obtained, the Honourable De Luca the chain from the "court jester" because it wanted to join with her to City GAL Land of Myths and beauty and everything else, against which all other years that yes. Because of all this?
Answer - I state that our town was once the seat of Gal "Eurovalli" from which "Ashes" was born with the new leader Fiumedinisi Gal. Savoca has attended all the preparatory stage, the new Gal. We have also moved in agreement with the Hon. The De Luca, the corporate structure "Eurovalli" on Fiumedinisi, albeit with the agreement that over the municipalities, also available to private shareholders were offered the opportunity be co-opted into the new Gal. Everything you hear many members did not take place, with the result that today, the corporate structure of Gal Eurovalli not only has not been put into liquidation, but continues to incur costs of registration book and anything else that after the withdrawal of public and all members were among them, imposed exclusively on private shareholders. Why, for consistency in respect of those members "outsiders" who had joined the Gal at the time proposed by our City, we decided to stay out. "The ancient craft, however, the driving theme for the new Gal PSL, it is not in line with what we are looking for several years to implement in our area, namely: recovery and improvement of existing buildings, promoting cultural heritage and hospitality initiatives - production in the tourism sector. In this context, cost-effectiveness of adherence to Gal, has helped to make us give up. As for the "court jester", Hon. The De Luca is usually externalize their thoughts with emphasis picturesque, he is so now we know it, you should not take it, but in the end after all ... I am a Mayor that he appreciates! !
4) Many people ask us if, for one year after the death of his beloved Maria D'Arrigo, you will be called a road, and if the bar directly to her for decades will be purchased by the City and made a museum in the film The Godfather. She answered?
response - that the first objective of this Administration is to buy the property and allocated to "Bar Museum" and representation of the room and in this sense there is already an agreement in principle with the owners and we are already in search of its funds.
5) What can anticipate that readers Fogliodisicilia.it with regard to any future plans to Savoca among the most beautiful villages in Italy, as well as twinning and anything else useful to increase tourism throughout the year ?
response - we have several initiatives underway, I can only anticipate that soon our Municipality will initiate a policy of intensive cooperation in the field of tourism promotion with the City of Forza d'Agro '. Municipalities are the two movie set of "The Godfather" and the dynamic linking of Forza d'Agro we intend to join forces in order to exploit this trend. Almost certain for next year to establish a movie award.
From what we said and that you are referring to these lines, in our opinion, Anthony Bartolotta is among the small circle (without wanting to hurt the work of any other administrator) of mayors who have effectively delivered results important in the field of tourism in total favor of economic revival, cultural and social life of their own municipality. What is not easy in a time of crisis like this, when many other municipalities are struggling to balance their budgets, or even not to fall into bankruptcy or receivership. Not surprisingly even the pragmatism of Bartolotta also faced with the question on the recent issue that has filled the pages of prominent newspapers, we are referring to the alleged dispute between him and the Hon. De Luca. Bartolotta philosophy resolves everything with a smile and lots of optimism. Best wishes for the future, Nino!
(Interview rilasciataci on: 07/30/2010 for Fogliodisicilia.it )


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