Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What Parts Does A Train Have

Look at 'The ...

I know, I'd better let it go and dedicate this time to another. So everyone in this world is what it is doing what even ... feels right when it deems appropriate. Even if we are talking about matters of the country, in fact, is more sacred to defend the weak, point out shortcomings come from anywhere, poor service, complaints and so on. Well! (Although in my humble opinion), it would be more fair if the person that you roll up your sleeves, or having the right economic, put hands in their pockets. But probably the last words, if the person concerned (recognition) should read, I'm sure she does not even take into consideration.

In the previous post, you read how a civil protection exercises to prepare people (it was now that he did in the Ionian coast, elsewhere are coming decades carried out successfully), the occurrence of an earthquake or flood. Calamities that God forbid we all hope should never happen anywhere, but if unfortunately they should occur, that's: what to do, how to do it in collaboration with relevant institutions and as soon as possible I stayed, it can certainly save many lives human.

A Sciglio last Sunday (as Giampilieri countries and infamous for the events of October), there was an earthquake simulator. The huge deployment of forces, in which the "COC" City of Roccalumera showed great skill and efficiency, has no idea how much work and collaboration are needed even in a simple exercise. It was not even a game for elementary school children who have diligently devoted half a day stolen in distraction on Sunday. It was seven o'clock in the morning, when already the assembly room of the municipality (organized by the Mayor myiasis), was full of Police, Authority, traffic police, employees of the City, as well as elements of the council majority. It was not even a game for so many ambulances and even less for the group of VdS Roccalumera, which showed the population (if any were still needed), what it means efficiency and professionalism in the work of saving lives.

Well, this whole premise to say then what? That someone, the next day, Monday, October 25 , consistent with the self, seeing the video on a website Ionian, video showing the highlights of the exercise, will probably have thought "voila, the 'yet another of the mayor Mias catwalk for advertising among the people ". So, good morning, braving the rain but ammalappena protected by an umbrella-like beach, went promptly by the Director of the site to demand justice. Here's the scoop then appear. A video showing him to alum, in front of the house that was sadly suffered a loss and an insult for which even "Striscia la Notizia " could RAI bring mom to remedy at least the joke. So, Mr. Campagna, (oops! I missed the name), reminded us that the wall some time ago promised by the mayor has not yet been realized. In fact the wall does not exist, the house is uninhabited and the rest for the time we fly over ...

Gurda But some 'coincidence. Demagogy? But nooo! Only, true and unselfish love for people. On the same day, though!

Read my other blog: "IOGEOMETRA"
Go to the new site: FOGLIODISICILIA.IT


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