Friday, January 21, 2011

Sunday Sport Dvd Pin Jo Guest


Subject: MADE in ITALY (part 1)
Let me reflect upon the Italian political and social situation in the wake of the recent events in quick succession have no determined and no doubt will lead to new developments in the following scenarios. Because it found that with the passage of time we can see no fundamental change and that revolutionize a system that creaks and sells everywhere, like a ship at the mercy of the waves, sooner or later the system will implode and explode, as is already happening. I'm leaving from school and work, where two important innovations have already marked the path fraught with problems and obstacles the Gelmini decree and Referendum Mirafiori . In the first case, the Italian political forces, especially those of the majority, had the great opportunity to reform the better the school system by creating the right conditions to make both school and university and more valid suitable springboard for the world of work, streamlined and modern, preserving culture, and professional jobs. He became instead another "Mess" with the whole idea that a young company should already predisposrsi its precarious future, where it is most important stuff of scientific concepts and techniques and to offer contracts "in draft", or point to management and perhaps stay perfect ignorant.
not quibble about the fact that they went even improved scientific and technical partners, for whom I have absolute respect, the world maintains the important balance between classical culture and science and must remain, but systematically cut what is culture leads to an inevitable impoverishment of all positive values. Culture, besides being an opportunity of escaping poverty as it always has been, besides being an excellent key to enabling young people to overcome limitations, social problems and disorientation, as well as being a natural personal enrichment is to itself is a shared primary and, as the water we drink, like our own lives. And culture, despite the discounted "lamentations" on waste, new academic disciplines never heard before, is also work, has an incentive to use in all areas, is capital, because most of the resources destined to be involved because of the compensation for work it connected (professors, researchers, musicians, actors, artists, sound technicians working, set designers, etc. ... cloakroom. until the cleaning staff). It is said that € 100,000 of culture correspond to 2.5 jobs cuts taxes and other addresses will only create new unemployment and precariousness useless and harmful. And ultimately it will suffer less severe damage was not just that area of \u200b\u200bscience that the order would tend to promote and protect, because the cuts will be made to impoverish the field of research, already hard hit in Italy, a basic foundation for Science and medicine, and this will lead to the inevitable and now dramatic brain drain abroad.
Subject: MADE in ITALY (part 2)
From school to work the next immediate step is
and while one part in the political world and especially the government has done little or nothing to deal with a sector vital, perhaps the one where most actions should be taken to reform and improve and affect the other's example is instructive Mirafiori on the current crisis of society and the world of lavoro.L 'either / or imposed by the workers Marchionne is Fiat's son that system recently exploded, based solely on the capital, on pensions, on speculation, putting the whole world in crisis. But as often happens when the mirror is shattered in 1000 and 1000 Who pays the damages caused in the first place? Citizens, the weakest, the middle class, workers, ordinary people in short, when, by natural and logical consequence of responsibility, the biggest burden would fall to executives and managers. But we are absurd and that is that both the manager to dictate and impose blackmail (the usual "deminutio libertatis) and to determine splits (split the opponent runs better), including through alternative options suggests that the world market, with countries where we can best invest and where the workforce has the lowest cost, in spite of Made in Italy. And so, in addition, it facilitates what it should be the opposite: Nations who are in the position of progress, rather than the Lead Member least developed and improve the situation, back off and declines to match these, the least developed among them. As if in a class a professor, rather than less appealing to students in the leg and try to take them to the level of the best, he tries to play down the best to take them to the bottom step and align them to the "donkeys".
So in Turin has experienced a tragedy in the drama with the referendum (which is still the most democratic method to express a choice), with which workers found themselves having to choose whether to continue working, but with fewer conditions and further loss of human rights, and bring so-home pay, or refuse to attend and loss of employment, layoffs for the more fortunate, the closure of the factory and its transfer abroad. The result supports the continuation of the work at Mirafiori, for now, awarded only Marchionne, who earned more profits will, because I believe it should never be a prize to safeguard employment and salary, especially with those who support a whole family, but a and basic and inviolable right to do so in conditions that do not determine his treatment as a beast. It will therefore be desirable to mend the rift with the FIOM and the dream of the fine. Delegate come true because all would be good not only for the person as a human being, but also for the whole of Italy.
Finally I would like to briefly discuss recent events regarding the legal proceedings once again the Premier and who have given us, even if we needed another bleak and painful insight into national policy. What was known of these "vice" of Premier and now known, but around them there was this whole world directly and indirectly linked to the "Res Publish" This not only creates anger, but sheds further discomfort and nausea on who looks at the story from the outside, as ordinary citizens. If we did not feel before represented, now creates embarrassment and shame "does not" feel represented internationally by governments and politicians that put to shame the nation and make it exactly like a "decaying empire, where immorality and indecency of non-sense approach to it already blatant forms of lying information, restriction of freedom, justice to the discredit of the unconstitutional limits and beyond. Yes, because all the trumpets and trombones rushed to defend their acclaimed leader I would just mention the ' art.54 of the Constitution, which, in the second paragraph states explicitly that: "citizens entrusted with functions public have a duty to perform them with discipline and honor, taking an oath in the cases determined by law. " And the question arises: the premier, who is the highest civil service, has fulfilled and continues to exercise his office with discipline and honor, as the Constitution called? If, obvious how I feel, is negative, do not understand why it has yet to justify and defend and do not want to hand his resignation to unfulfilled obligations, not only ethical and moral, but above all constitutional, the Constitution which he swore on the day of his inauguration . The fear of losing seats, hooks, aid, benefits, Treehouse, and by virtue of this, the realization that treating the real problems affecting the country and have no ability to solve them, it seems that the Premier has deliberately created a scandal (he could, always with no less blame, among its many villas to choose the most secret and do all in total anonymity) to find yet another scheme to divert public opinion, media and away from political issues that most concern the Italian situation: labor, youth, health, environment, justice and reforms. I think it is not only essential but also a more natural and stimulating political debate and election on the basis of programs and it is on those who may fall and Berlusconi should be defeated, but it is also true that many years of his leadership have produced little, and nothing, leading to major failures, partying malicious and scheming, I still mud on the judiciary and constitution, I do not see why it should continue a painful and heavy dripping. And something tells me that behind the Prime Minister there is the whole world of big powers, the Mafia and the Freemasons, services diverted to the point that as his entry into politics, although its release could be closely linked to decisions these powers will become more or less hidden, continue to use him as a leader, charismatic and powerful, to keep safe their sinister interest in the longstanding interaction between mafia, underworld and politics, or in the case was "baked" and could no longer succumb to blackmail, to get him out. Meanwhile, between gossip, embarrassment, indignation litigation and to pay us, because the gap between rich oligarchy and the rest of the nation is becoming increasingly broad reforms and resolutions even the shadow and the miracle of "moralization" is far and diaphanous dream.
Politics, Machiavelli taught five hundred years ago, is independent of morality, but this must not become an instrument of selfish personal achievement: the politician should remain to serve the community.
And just do not know whether it is realistic to expect a "moralization" of politics according to (mutatis mutandis, of course) the model proposed by Machiavelli: The Renaissance writer himself alternately pessimistic and a more rational approach to a more passionate de optimistic. Of course my passion not agree to resign themselves to the degraded picture painted by Sciascia admirably in his extraordinary novel "The Day of the Owl."
"But sir," said Don Gaetano to the Minister and the President "I hope I do not give me pain to tell me that the state's more ... At my age, and with all the confidence I had in you would be a revelation unbearable. I was so quiet that there was more ...".
Michele Fronteddu

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